Forum Discussion
storyline get user click position
I'm also looking for this feature. We need to display a text box (or highlight) wherever the user clicks, as a kind of annotation interaction like adding a comment in word.
Here's an interesting workaround that takes it somewhat in the right direction, but none of this will work unless Storyline can store the last cursor or click position and make it available as the value of a variable. Storyline - X and Y - Moving Objects Anywhere on Screen in Realtime - YouTube
Any change to storyline in the last few years that would make this easy? I know it's possible to use javascript to grab the cursor position or click position, but would rather not go that route if possible.
You can get the x y position of any element in also the Mouse click.
Here is a sample i did for following the mouse position with Javascript.
Im quite sure the Storyline has code to make it possible to get the mouseclick position.
Kind regards,