Forum Discussion
Thumbnails jumping and changing position during refresh
Hi Heroes,
When working in Storyline the slide thumbnails sometimes move when storyline refreshes. This is very disorienting. After working on a slide, I go to click on the next thumbnail (especially when I have two or more scenes open) and it is no longer where it was before the refresh. Can this be locked in place so it only moves when I move it?
- MauraSullivan-9Community Member
I've experienced this as well. It's annoying.
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
The short answer is yes. Don't use "Jump to next slide" triggers. Instead, use "Jump to [slide name]" triggers.
The explanation is that the thumbnails line up according to how the triggers direct the flow. What can happen using "jump to next" is that when a slide is dragged to a new spot, the flow is changed. If your mouse is moving when you click a thumb, even in the slightest, the slides can change places. You won't notice it until they are refreshed.
- RandySimmons1Community Member
Hi Walt,
I'm not talking about dragging slide to new spots. I'm talking about the whole column of slides moving up or down. I'm not doing anything to move the slides, including accidently moving them.
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
Can you give us a video of it happening? Thanks.
- RandySimmons1Community Member
Here is an example of this happening. It happens with other actions too, but you can see what I am talking about in this video.
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
I apologize, I misread your post. I thought the slides were moving around. Now I realize that it is the story view scrolling. I've never seen that happen, so I'm afraid I can't help you.
Hi Randy,
I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing this issue! I'd like to take a look at your file to see what's going on. You can upload it here or privately through a support case. We'll delete it from our systems once troubleshooting is complete.
Hi Maura,
If you run into this issue again, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support engineers! We'll be happy to take a look at your project.
- RandySimmons1Community Member
Hi submitted an example through a support case.
Hi Randy,
I see that you've uploaded an example and are working with my teammate, Renato. You’re in great hands! We’ll continue the conversation in your support case.