Forum Discussion
Storyline Quiz Review - Is the Incorrect/Correct message editable?
I was able to make the little green checkmark disappear and my big one appear(I had to rename my state to "correct" instead of "review"), but now it is messing with the radio button of the selected answer on the review. If the user chose the correct answer, the radio button isn't showing as "selected" because we changed the state to "correct" - which doesn't show a filled radio button. So the user won't know that they had selected the correct answer when they do so. Any idea on how we can keep the radio button selected when we have the state change to "correct"?
The file i sent you yesterday i did the T/F questions differently as they weren't randomizing the answer choices. My thought was that I could just change the state from hidden to normal on the checkmark image rather than changing the state of the answer from selected to correct. The file i am attaching now has all the checkmarks using the change state on the selected answer.