Forum Discussion

NayeliDelaFu632's avatar
Community Member
4 years ago

Multiple selection without correct or incorrect answer


I wonder if you can help me with this exercise, please.

I need to add a list of things in a multiple-choice option with ten options. This, however, does not have correct or incorrect. Any answer is correct, e.g. if the person selects only one option, option 3-6, or 1, 3, 6, 9, all is correct.

In the end, I need to reproduce those options that the person selected and bring them into a page. 

The exercise is:

This is a pledge. I pledge for:

Select all your options.

1- Learn about names

2-  Learn about culturally responsive...

3- Examine ways 

4 - Diverse experiences

5- Resources on different forms of ...

and so on


Then the next screen:

You pledged for (your answers)


  • To do that, you need to use variables and conditions.

    • Create a T/F variable (with an initial value of False) to correspond to each option. 
    • Insert a checkbox for each option.

    Note:  The default checkboxes have a Selected state. Storyline will automatically toggle between the Normal and Selected states when the user clicks a checkbox.

    • Add a trigger to each checkbox that toggles the corresponding variable. This will change the variable to True when the checkbox is selected, and change it back to False if the checkbox is deselected. The trigger would look something like this one. (Here, the variable is called "check1.")

    • On the next slide, set up separate objects for each option, with an initial state of Hidden
    • Add triggers to change the state of each object to Normal with the condition that the associated variable is true. For example, the trigger would look something like this: 

    Note: Unfortunately, Storyline doesn't have an easy way to re-arrange the objects into a neat list. In other words, there will be gaps on the screen where the unselected objects are. You'd need JavaScript expertise to fix that. 

    • To avoid gaps, you could give the objects a Disabled (or custom) state that's dimmed somehow. That would allow the user to see all the choices again, with their choices obvious.