Storyline. Read text file into variables
About 2-3 times a year we need to update our training which includes links online documentation. These links are shared in the Resources.
Thankfully the documentation URL stays the same, with the exception that the version number changes . e.g. http://documentation/3.1/information (where 3.1 would then change to 3.2 with the next release)
Ideally I would like to generate the resource links automatically, meaning I read the version number from a text file and Storyline uses code to read from the text file and populate the resources with the updated version number.
e.g. Read from txt file and populate a variable used in Resources and the Storyline project when the project is compiled.
1. Amend version.txt with latest version
2. Open Storyline and the resources are automatically updated with the latest version.
Has anyone achieved something similar or have any ideas how to do this?