Storyline running extremely slow
The suggested content in response to this topic is all very old so I figured I'd start a new discussion thread. Articulate Storyline is running extremely slowly; I timed it today and just saving a project took over 6 minutes to complete. I've also experienced slowdowns when changing layouts/designs or publishing.
I am running Storyline 360 Version 3.77.30587.00 from June of 2023. I am running Parallels Access version 7.05 on a 16 GB Apple M1 Pro.
Storyline 360 is the only software I'm having issues with. We had our IT folks take a look at the setup and they thought it might be an issue with memory in Parallels so we installed Storyline 360 on a Windows PC running Windows 10 Pro on a 32 GB Dell with a i9 processor. We experienced the same issues with performance on the PC.
I didn't experience these slowdowns when we first purchased the software in the fall so I'm wondering/worried if this is related to updates.
Is anyone else experiencing this?