Forum Discussion
Storyline to sharepoint: clicking the story.aspx file just downloads the html code
Currently testing running storyline applications from Sharepoint. After I publish to web, I open the file and convert the .html file types to .aspx, and then upload all files to a sharepoint document library.
When I click the story.aspx link, however, a blank browser opens and the my computer auto-downloads the .aspx file/original html code.
A web dev in my company was able to upload a storyline file application successfully. When he clicks the story.aspx link, it directly opens the application in a brower.
Any idea what could be causing this for me? Thank you.
1 Reply
- DanGoodallCommunity Member
By default, SharePoint doesn't let you host content that can include scripts (like active server pages). You will need to work with your SharePoint admin/global admins to enable custom scripts for this content to render properly.
Allow or prevent custom script - SharePoint in Microsoft 365 | Microsoft Learn