Forum Discussion

CharlesMistr110's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Storyline Web Object: Cookies Pop Up Repeatedly Coming Up


We are trying to incorporate our survey for our web based training as a web object taken at the time of the course. We have been able to do that and the survey works but we repeatedly get a cookies pop up. Our survey has 3 or 4 web pages to it and it happens on every one. Does anyone know why this would happen and a way to stop it? We do not want the survey to open in a new window so that is not an option. I've attached 2 images. The first is when the web object first appears, and you enter your email. The second image is after you enter your email and start the survey. Having it pop once wouldn't be an issue but can foresee some frustration on our learners end with it happening repeatedly. 

Thanks in advance for any information. 

  • Hi Charles,

    Thanks so much for reaching out. 

    To better understand your setup, could you please share what browser you are currently using? Perhaps there are settings within the Browser itself to avoid this window. 

    I'm curious to hear what workarounds others in the community have done to bypass this window. 

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    • CharlesMistr110's avatar
      Community Member

      Thank you. We use Edge and Chrome. I'm pretty sure Edge default opens when learners click on our LMS. Usually our browser settings are set up by IT and we don't change them but I will look in to it.

      Thank you


  • Hi, Charles!

    Just a quick note that replying via email includes your signature here so you are welcome to edit the post and remove that information if you wish!