Forum Discussion

LisaBonner's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Team Data: Total course list by Articulate User

Is there a way that the Admin can get reporting and details of data related to the individual team members in the account.  Is there any way to extract the course list? 

  • Hello Lisa,

    Happy to help!

    Storyline 360 content is saved on an author's computer, and there isn't a way to track how many of these courses have been created by a particulate Articulate account. If you're asking about Rise 360 courses which are online-based, we do have an open feature request for the addition of a Rise 360 Team Administration Dashboard which would allow admins to view all courses created by users under their Teams subscription. 

    I've added this community post to the feature request so we can notify you when it makes it to our product roadmap. We can also provide you with an Excel or CSV list of all courses under a particular subscription that you own if this is what you need. Please reach out to our support team by opening a case here to request this data.