Forum Discussion
Text boxes
Hi there,
I am creating an E Learning course in Rise where I will set a no. of challenges (from a workbook) that I want the learners to add information to a text box or similar - how can I do this? Is it possible to link all the text boxes into a pdf document so the learner has an action plan on course completion with their reflections? Thanks Marian
Hi Marian,
We don't have a survey/essay block available yet for Rise. You can instead embed a third-party survey form to capture the reflections of your learners. The responses will be available from the third-party survey provider. As for exporting the responses into a pdf document, that might be possible if the survey provider allows it. If nothing else, you can just use a browser plugin that will allow you to print the web page (showing the reflections) in a pdf.
We can also wait for others in the community who has implemented something similar in the past. They may have some ideas they can share with us to go about this.