Forum Discussion

PolinaSurkova's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Text Entry previous value displayed when course restart


I have an unusual problem (unusual for me, of course). I have several text entry in a course, they are assigned text variables. When the user enters a certain value, he jumps to the next slide.
This course must be taken several times. When the user opens the course a second time, he place the cursor on the text entry and the saved value appears. The user can select this value without typing it and jump to the next slide. 

For me, this is unacceptable! The user must enter all the values himself each time.

All slides have the "reset to initial state" setting, but that's not the point at all. I tried to assign an "blank" value to all text variables on the first slide - it doesn't help. Clearing the browser cache does not help, reloading the scorm file to LMS does not help too.

Maybe the reason is that this course has a lot of variables and complex settings in between. I am very tired of solving this problem and I ask for your help.

This problem is observed in my LMS and web on all text entry with text variables (on 3, 15, 21 and 25 slides). To see the problem in your LMS, complete the course to the end and start again.

I am attaching the story file.


  • Hi, Polina.

    Thank you for reaching out! 

    The autofill is based on browser settings and cannot be adjusted from within Storyline. 

    While you can adjust those settings in your own browser (here are the instructions for Chrome), it won't affect other users. Here's a discussion that might be helpful for what you're looking to do:

    • PolinaSurkova's avatar
      Community Member

      Thanks, Maria! This JavaScript on the slide master helped me:

      var els = document.getElementsByTagName('input');
      for (var i=0; i < els.length; i++) {
      els[i].setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");