text variable within another text variable
Hello. In my course I'm doing a choose-your-own-adventure style conversation. A user gets choices A and B and depending on what they click, a variable will be filled with an answer and displayed within the conversation.
So my triggers look like this:
Set "callChoice1" to value "some text is in here" when the user clicks Choice1A.
That's simple enough and works nicely. However, previously in the course the user entered their name and it's recorded in the variable Name. When I want one of the answers to contain that name, my trigger is:
Set "callChoice1" to value "some text and %Name% here" when the user clicks Choice1A.
But this doesn't work. When I display the answer as %callChoice1% in my speech bubble, the Name variable doesn't load in its value, my text is just literally displayed as "some text and %Name% here" instead of "some text and John here"
Is it possible to make a variable within a variable work in this way?