Forum Discussion

YenCheng's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Tracking attempts in SL 360 when people click "play again"

Hello everyone,

I am working on building an escape room game. I added "Restart course" trigger when people click "play again", but it won't record a new attempt. It seems that the system collects the elapsed time of when the module was open. not necessarily "Active time".

So if the user does not close and restart/ relaunch the game (new instance), the time will keep on rolling and the attempt won't be recorded, either. For example, if a learner plays 3 times and spends 1 minute for each round, the total time we get from the report will be 3 minutes and 1 attempt.

Questions: It's a headache for us because we would like to see the metrics including #number of attempts, start time and end time of each attempt. Can we use JavaScript to force relaunch the course so we can track new attempts?

We use SumTotal to host the game.

Are there suggestions to solve this problem?

Thank you!


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