Forum Discussion
translation of closed captions
I am just checking in about this requested feature. I am having to individually export over 200 slides to translate the closed captions for a 12-module course. I would love to know if anyone has an efficient way to handle this.
Amanda, I am in a similar position. I have about double the slides to translate and there doesn't seem to currently be an easy solution. I have had to create the closed caption placeholders, type in the required English text, then translate each into French. Of course, you have to create a trigger so that when the slide opens the closed captions appear.
I suppose you could copy and paste the entire narration into a WORD document, translate the document as a whole and then copy and paste each individual phrase into the closed caption placeholder. Either way it's a time-consuming task. The problem with that second option is unless you are fluent in the translated language you might get confused
Articulate has indicated their engineers will work on an easier solution. I hope so.