Forum Discussion

christopheDubri's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Trigger lesson status of full

What trigger should I use so that a folio is not displayed when the status of a lesson on LMS is full?

  • Hi Christophe, do you mean a lesson status of "completed" or "passed"?

    If so, I would create your own variable in Storyline "completed" (true/false) for example. Then when the folio has been completed (last slide?) then set your variable "completed" to "True". You can then use this variable to direct the user to a slide that does not provide access to other slides.

    For example,

    When timeline starts:
    Jump to slide "No access" if "completed" equal "True"

    Let me know if I've misunderstood what you are looking for.

    • christopheDubri's avatar
      Community Member

      I understand what you're telling me, thank you very much.


      However, does the variable remain in its state after closing the lesson or
      does it return to its initial state?


      At the moment, I have the impression that the variable returns to its
      initial state when I return to the lesson...


      Best regards


  • If running as a SCORM file on an LMS, the variable value will persist between sessions. If running on a website/intranet, the file can only use local cookies, and may persist, but the variable value will not be available between different devices and will also expire after a number of days.

    In order to persist on an intranet/website, you would need to store the value on a database, and the value would have to be associated with a unique users, therefore some kind of login or identification of the user would be required.

    • christopheDubri's avatar
      Community Member

      I'm going to do some tests.


      Thank you for your prompt reply.

      Have a nice day!



      • StevenBenassi's avatar

        Hi Christophe!

        Glad to see Sam has been helping you!

        It looks like part of your e-mail signature came through when you replied via e-mail. You can remove that if needed by clicking ‘Edit’ beneath your response.