Forum Discussion

BrianneVanLeeuw's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Triggers for object states and the next button aren't working

Hello friends! I'm trying to set a trigger in Storyline where the next button is disabled until all three objects on the screen are in a visited state. I can't figure out why it's not working the way I've set it up. Screenshots attached of the triggers - it should work!!

Can anyone help me?

  • It's a custom variable, so feel free to name it whatever you prefer to provide some context. I've utilized it to manage the state of the Next button when the timeline starts on this slide. The Next button remains disabled whenever you revisit this slide, as long as the 'allVisited' variable retains the value of false. If it's not false, the Next button transitions to its normal state. Once we've marked all rectangles as visited, we set this variable to true, indicating that the condition which previously kept the Next button disabled upon returning to the slide is no longer met.

    Your trigger for changing the Next button's state when all rectangles are visited would function optimally if your content were situated on three distinct layers instead of three separate slides. In the scenario where you navigate to another slide by clicking any rectangle and subsequently return to the initial slide, the Next button would persist in a disabled state when the timeline starts because there was no any other condition to modify its state.

    • BrianneVanLeeuw's avatar
      Community Member

      Hello again!

      This worked really well for the first scene I applied it to, but it does not work anywhere else in the course. Do I need to create a version of the "allVisited" variable for each section, or does it persist across the course?

      Thank you!

  • Other than saying there appears to be nothing wrong with your trigger, there are so many reasons why that may not work. It would be impossible to even guess without seeing the ,story file.

    Here are the best practices for uploading that:

    • Use the Add Attachment button here from a browser, not a phone
    • Only include slides that are related to the problem.
    • Be sure objects, layers, motion paths, and variables have meaningful names.
    • If there is proprietary content, replace or delete it. For example, replace proprietary text with “ipsum lorem” text.
    • Be sure to clearly describe the following in the file and/or in the post with the attachment (if you haven’t already done so):
      • What you want to happen
      • What is not happening that should happen
      • What is happening that should not happen
      • What you have already tried
  • Thank you for replying. I've pulled out a section of the file where the issue persists. In this file, there are three sections that come up with the voice over. After each one is visited, I want the Next button to be active so the learner can progress to the knowledge check. 

    Even after all the tabs are visited, the Next button remains inactive.

    I have tried editing the triggers and rearranging the content, but nothing seems to be working.

    Hopefully this is enough information and thank you in advance for your help!

  • Since you're navigating between slides, let's keep it simple. Adjust your triggers as shown in the screenshot below. Select "Resume saved state" in the slide properties. But first, ensure you create a variable called "allVisited" initially set to False.

  • This worked amazing, thank you! As a novice Storyliner, I am curious if you'd be open to explaining the logic behind this variable?

  • Not only does the variable persist across the course, but so does its value. So once the first scene sets it to true, it will true for all scenes. Best practice is to create a variable for each scene. Then, among other things, if the learner revisits the first scene, or the course, the variable will hold the former value