Forum Discussion

MalvikaMalhotra's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

True / False Variable - Need help


In the 1.2 slide of attached file, I am trying to create TRUE/FALSE variable so that icon appears only when layer is visited.

Somebody in the community did that for me BUT the user count is not clear with me. 



  • Your question is a bit confusing. Slide 1.2 has icons that seem to appear via the timeline and the fish example looks to be clickable to show the fish layer.

    Assuming you had hidden icons and wanted them to appear after a layer has been visited, you don't probably need variables.

    • Set the initial state of the icon hidden
    • On the layer, create a trigger to change the state of the icon to normal when the user (clicks the X).

    If you want to provide more detail on what you're doing, then you can get more explicit instructions. 

    Hope that helps.