Forum Discussion

AnabelGomezGarc's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Try me and test me combo in Storyline

Good morning,

I have a question concerning software simulations in Storyline. Is there anyway I can combine the test me an try me E-Learnings? What I mean is: can I use the test me version and insert the try me slides when a user gets something wrong for more than three times? 

Usually when you use the test me e-learning an you click the wrong button you have unlimited attempts. As far as I know at least. But I would like to limit them and after let's say three trys I would like to insert the try me text.

Is that in any way possible? 

Thanks in advance. 

  • Hi Anabel!

    It sounds like you're trying to design a Storyline course that will link a learner between Test Mode and Try Mode screen recordings. I'd be happy to help with that!

    I accomplished this type of setup by first inserting two separate screen-recorded scenes, one of which contained a Quiz Results slide (Test Mode scene). On the results slide, I set a Trigger for the Retry Quiz button to Jump to Slide > [Try Mode Slide] when the user clicks Retry Quiz button.

    I also set the number of quiz attempts to three.

    I've also attached a sample file for your reference. Please let me know if you have any more questions!