Forum Discussion

MatneyJorgen005's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Unexplained Disappearing Objects

We are building a matching interaction in Storyline that mimics the Rise matching knowledge check.  We have been able to get everything to work correctly but when you drag one picture on top of another it sometimes disappears.  We cannot find any pattern that would explain the disappearance or a trigger that might be causing it.  We tried replacing the shapes that we used as drop zones with hot spots and had the same result.  We would really appreciate any insights anyone might have.  We are including the SL file and a GIF that shows what is happening.  Here is the a link to the SL published to Review.  Thank you in advance!!!

  • Hi Matney! I took a look at your file and I think I figured out what is going on and a possible solution for you. Forgive my long-winded recording which you can find here but let me know if this helps! I've also attached the Storyline file.

  • Elizabeth,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to look at our file.  I had not thought of using the freeform option but that is the perfect solution.  Thank you for taking the time to make the video and walk us through the steps for the conversion.


  • Hi Matney, 

    I'm so glad that Elizabeth was able to help you find a solution for those disappearing objects you were experiencing!!

    If any other questions come up please feel free to reach out in our E-Learning Heroes Community or privately in a support case

    Have a great day ☀️