Forum Discussion

LaurannePayne's avatar
Community Member
7 months ago

Update seekbar choices in player please!

Our trainees are paid for their time in training and as such we limit the seek-bar to drag after viewed,  but if the miss something part way it would be nice of they can at least rewind to the location they don't understand the content for without having to view the rest of the video or timeline first! 

Can we have an option to rewind only? 

In the same fashion, is it possible to consider a slower speed option without the fast goreatd option? (Not as important as the rewind function on a locked seek-bar!) 

  • Welcome to the E-Learning Heroes community, Lauranne! Thanks for reaching out about this and providing a detailed description of your experience.

    What you are requesting makes perfect sense. I see how it would benefit some authors to have the option to rewind the seekbar when viewing the slide after it is set to be dragged after completion.

    Storyline doesn't currently support that feature, but I have informed our product team of your need. I've also added your second request for a slower speed option in the Storyline player.

    Here's how we manage feature requests. If any changes might help, we'll update this discussion, and you will get a notification.