Forum Discussion

VincentMetzo's avatar
Community Member
5 months ago

Uploading SCORMS or HTML5 from other builders for use in Rise 360 Course?

I have a scorm built in a different platform that I want to embed in a lesson in Rise 360. A google search says this is possible.

" AI Overview 

Yes, you can upload SCORM files from another platform to Articulate Rise 360, as long as the file is exported in the correct format:

SCORM format: Rise 360 supports SCORM 1.2 and any edition of SCORM 2004.

Export location: Save the exported training to an easy-to-access location on your computer.

Export tool: If you're importing Rise 360 training, use the Export to tool in Rise 360.  " 

However, when I try to upload the scorm to Review 360, I get this: 

Has anyone had success doing this? 

Thanks for any info.


  • Hello Vincent,

    Unfortunately, Google and AI are both incorrect on this. I am sure it conflated instructions from the previous which was like an LMS and allowed uploading SCORM packages. 

    Rise 360 is the authoring product and doesn't support importing SCORM content. The only way you can bring that course in would be to use the embed code which requires the course be hosted somewhere to give you a URL you can embed, but I suspect that's not what you want to do.

    If you don't have an LMS, we do offer Reach which would allow uploading the SCORM package (similar to how it worked in And there is free access with a limited active learner account. You can learn more about that here.