Using variables to generate organized lists
I'm currently working on a tool where people select items from a long list. Each item is coded into two variables (in this case environment type and evidence base). I'm trying to create a screen where the selected items show up on a matrix that shows where they fall in terms of environment type.
What I've done so far is create a true/false variable for each item selected in the check-off list. When the item's box is checked, the variable is changed to true. The results slide has all items in a "hidden" state using text that matches the slide background color. I set a "true" state that changes the text color to black. When the timeline starts on the results slide, items that were selected change state to true.
The problem with this method is that long gaps between items in the list can occur depending on what gets selected, and it's not the most accessible for screen readers. I'm wondering if there is a javascript code that can be written instead so that only the items selected are shown in order.
I've attached a project sample for reference