Forum Discussion
Very blurry text and images in Chrome HTML5
I am using Storyline 360 and publishing HTML5 only. My client uses Chrome only. Every image and all text is unacceptably blurry.
Attached is an image of a screen from the course. On the left is HTML5 in Chrome, and on the right is Flash. Even the "Next" button is blurry.
I see in other discussions that this is a known issue. What is the timeline for fixing this? I will no longer be able to support this client unless we can get a fix soon, as they are quite dissatisfied with the current state.
- JudyNolletSuper Hero
Hi, Louis. I use Storyline 3, and I've encountered that same problem. It wasn't consistent, though. Some items would look in focus and some wouldn't. I also noticed that it was related to resizing the browser window, i.e., things looked fine at optimal size but might get fuzzy as Chrome tried to reinterpret/resize the screen.
Have you tried adjusting the Player settings to "Lock player at optimal size"? (That's in the "Other" section of the Player settings.) That worked for me. I realize it's a work-around, and some people might be upset if they can't enlarge the course. But small-and-clear is better than large-and-fuzzy. If this fix also works for SL360, perhaps it will be enough to placate your client.
Oh, and I agree: it would be nice to have a timeline for a fix. I trust Articulate is looking into this. I also understand that it's partly due to how Chrome interprets resizing in HTML5. Alas, it's an evolving standard...
- DougThompsonCommunity Member
Thanks for the note. Unfortunately, even when smaller, when compared side-by-side to the Flash output, the images and text are still blurry. We'll hopefully hear from Articulate soon about a fix for this important issue.
Hi Louis and Judy,
Update 17 of Storyline 360 (Update 5 of Storyline 3) included a fix for the blurry issues in Chrome, noted in the version history as:
- Fixed: Courses are no longer blurry when you preview them in Storyline or view the HTML5 output in Google Chrome.
I know your goal is to produce high-quality work, and blurry slide images are getting in the way of that. We did hear from a few folks who were still running into issues after that update, so I wanted to share a summary of those findings here.
If you're seeing blurry images in your files, follow these steps:
- Check the original size of the image, prior to inserting it in Storyline.
- Insert the image in Storyline, and check the dimensions of the image under the Format tab:
- If the image is the same size as the original, you shouldn't see a loss in quality.
- If the image is larger or smaller than the original, you could see a loss in quality.
We've got a lot of helpful information on best practices for using high-quality images in Storyline in this article
Louis, you also mentioned a blurriness within the Next button and I can see that within your image, so I'd like to take a look at your file as well. Can you share a copy of it with us here?
- DougThompsonCommunity Member
FYI, I just updated Storyline to the latest version two days ago. The blurry images (including features such as the Next button) continue to be an issue.
To protect client confidentiality, I cannot share the Storyline file with you publicly in this forum. Do you have a way for me to send it to you privately?
Absolutely, Louis. You can upload to our Support team here and they'll be happy to take a look.
- DougThompsonCommunity Member
Ashley, I have attached a different course which has no confidential content. It has the same issue of blurry text and images as the other, including the blurry "next" button, etc.
FYI, I updated Storyline just the other day (I am currently on v3.19.16600.0) and the issue is persisting.
Here is a link to the content published as HTML5 only (blurry):
Here is a link to a Flash version for comparison. Note that everything is much crisper in the Flash version:
I will look forward to your reply. Thanks.
Hi there, Louis. Thanks for sharing those links and the .story file.
I noticed in Chrome 69 in my Windows environment, I could see a bit of blurriness in the HTML5 output (left) compared to Flash:
In my Mac environment, the blurriness was much less noticeable:
Let me discuss this with my team to make sure we're on the same page about progress with HTML5 output in Chrome! Sorry for the frustration - I can guess that it must be difficult to have this conversation with your client as well.
- DougThompsonCommunity Member
Thank you for checking. Yes, this may be a deal breaker for this client. The issue is particularly troublesome when we are wanting to include screenshots that include small text.
- JamesJames-8e47Community Member
Thank you for bringing up the blurry font issue with HTML5 output and checking for its solution.
FYI, it looks like publishing with SL 3 Update 5, it is a little bit more blurry in Chrome as compared to Firefox and IE.
1. Do you have any suggestion which font(s) works better with Articulate / HTML5?
2. What font size or range of font size works better with Articulate / HTML5? Hi there James! Thanks for chiming in. We're still looking more closely at this bug with our team, and we'll keep you in the loop with any updates we receive.
While I don't have any specific font type or size recommendations, I'm curious to hear which font you're using. Also, could you share a screenshot to compare how the course appears blurry in Chrome versus how it appears in Storyline preview?