Forum Discussion

MichelleMcKi995's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Very odd situation where course doesn't work without an "empty" trigger

So first up, unfortunately I can't share my .story file as the content contains proprietary information. But all the same I am interested to hear if other users have encountered a situation like this.

2 years ago I built a very complex story, with branching, lots of variables etc etc. As part of this I had  several slides with "Pick Many" interactions with a custom Submit button, a rectangle shape which I named "Submit BIg 1" (typo unintentional!) It took me a while to get this Pick Many interaction working the way I wanted, so once I got it working as I wanted on one slide, I duplicated this slide to create my other Pick Many questions.

Now it's 2 years later and I've opened this .story file for the first time in a long time. On my "pick many" slides, I notice there are 2 redundant triggers attached to my Submit ("Submit BIg 1") button. Oddly, I can't delete these. Odder still, if I disable both of these triggers, my interaction stops working! In that, if I press Submit, it will not submit the interaction or show me any feedback layers. But I leave either of the empty triggers enabled, or leave both of them enabled, it does work.

Has anyone else encountered this odd behavior? I truly have no memory of these triggers from when I built the course, but I suppose they must have been it is for now, I am not going to rebuild or risk breaking my course, I just don't have the time, so I will leave these empty triggers where they are and enabled (not that it will let me delete them even if I wanted to!). But I'd love to understand how this might have come about.

  • Hello Michelle,

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this behavior. 

    Normally, deleting unused triggers shouldn't cause the slide to not function. I'd recommend importing your slides over to a new project file to see if this allows you to remove unused triggers in your slide without causing the slide to break.

    If the issue persists, please open a case with our support team here so we can investigate the behavior. You can share just the slide where the issue can be observed with our support team so we can take a closer look at what's happening, without needing to see the entire project file. 


  • Thanks Joe. I encountered another issue while working on this file where a button stopped working when it did previously, so I have opened a support ticket detailing both issues and shared the file (just don't want it out here in public!).

    Thank you

  • Hi, Michelle!

    I see that you’ve reached out to our Support Engineers and are working with my teammate, Jan. You’re in great hands! We’ll continue the conversation there.