Forum Discussion

  • Hi Malvika!

    I’d be happy to help explain how to reproduce the effect shown in that sample slide!

    The effect you’re seeing makes use of layers. You would need to recreate the appearance of the base layer (labeled Alpabets in the sample file) on the other slide layers. For each layer, you’ll need to place a different video that plays in the background.

    1. Bring up the layer on screen then click insert video. You can click on the video options and make sure it’s set to play the way you want.
    2. Then on your base layer add a button to show that layer. It should bring up the layer and also start the video.
    3. You would also want to include a way for the learner to have the option to make the video go away and return to the base layer, next slide, or wherever the end goal is.

    One tip to keep in mind is many browsers will pause the video if a user clicks on it while it’s playing. To keep that from happening, add a Hotspot over the top of your video. Then right-click the hotspot and turn off the “hand” cursor. Now the video won’t be accidentally paused if clicked!

    Please let me know if you have any more questions!

  • Hi Malvika,

    I looked at your Storyline project file, and it's perfect! I liked the touch regarding the hotspot. The videos in the sublayers just played without interruption, and the hotspots made sure that the learners won't be able to pause the videos. Good job!