Forum Discussion

JoseFlores-Coll's avatar
Community Member
3 years ago

Video on secondary layers not controllable via Player Controls

I've created a slide with a map on the first layer and when the user clicks on drop pins a layer with a video pops up. The videos describe the location and are set to hide once they're done playing. I had assumed that the learner would be able to control (Pause/Play/) via the regular player controls, but this doesn't seem to be the case. The player controls only shows and controls the base layer. How can I get the player to show them where they are in the video for each location layer and control video?

  • Hi Jose, 

    Sorry to hear that you ran into this issue! We are currently tracking a known bug where pausing the Timeline using the Player's Play/Pause control only pauses the Slide's Base Layer. One workaround that you can try is to create custom navigation for your project using True/False variables. 

    We're very sorry about any inconvenience this bug may have caused, and we'll be sure to let you know as soon as we receive an update on a possible fix. Here's how we tackle bugs for your reference. 


    • KristenNichols's avatar
      Community Member

      Has this bug been fixed? I need to allow users to pause the layer if needed.  It has audio and animation.

  • Thanks for the suggestion and I hope the bug is able to be fixed soon. I thought of that but we want to make sure there's continuity in the user controls. Our options were either creating play pause buttons throughout the course or breaking out the layers into their own base slides which is what we ended up doing.