Forum Discussion
Webpage/PDF Launching in New Tab Rather than New Window
I have had a similar issue recently, with the course window/tab minimized and the PDF opened in the most visible tab. It was a little confusing for me and the users, but I spelled that out on the slide instructions, so that was not the most concerning issue.
What puzzled me was, for only a small number of users, they were unable to proceed to the next screen on the first attempt. The Next button on the screen was hidden, and I had a trigger that changed it to Normal state when the PDF image was clicked (which opened the other tab). The Next button didn't change states in a few cases (it works fine for most of us). The one user who contacted me directly was also using Chrome, and I test in both IE11 and Chrome (the preferred browser).
I tried moving that trigger (changing state) up to first place for that button click, but it had no effect. I ended up removing the trigger and changing the Next button to Normal, just to avoid any issues.
Not sure what settings for those users might cause this. I just wondered if anyone else had encountered this issue.