Forum Discussion
Welcome to the New E-Learning Heroes!
Will you be reintroducing the option to have page numbers on the discussion pages, rather than the hideous 'load more' style method of trying to navigate to older posts? Loading 10 at a time is just so slow for loading old posts you know you saw yesterday and wanted to contribute to - that's 50x click-wait-load-scroll-click-agains. Ugh. Clicking back to page 7 or 8 then skipping to page 15 - works well, makes sense. If you can't do that, please add a setting in my profile for 'Show 100 posts per page' or similar.
- GingerSwart6 months agoStaff
Hi TimArticulateTr, Unfortunately, that setting is not within our control to change right now, but it is on my feature request list for our platform provider. It does look like other customers of theirs have requested that as well, so hopefully, they'll change it.
- Will_Findlay5 months agoCommunity Member
We have this epic thread (915 responses!) we've been using to discuss Storyline in the Cornerstone LMS, and now it is pretty useless because there is no way to get to the newest messages.this epic thread
- KarlMuller5 months agoCommunity Member
You need to click the Follow (old subscribe) button at the top right of the thread.
Then you will get notifications of new message/replies.
- Will_Findlay5 months agoCommunity Member
That is good to know, but it doesn't solve the whole problem. If I want to see the flow of the conversation, the longer a thread goes, the more cumbersome it is to get to the newer content. Honestly, I wish they would revert back to the old platform.