Forum Discussion
Whack a Mole Help
I'm creating a recall whack a mole game for a course. I have a trigger for playing the "wrong" sound when the user doesn't click on the correct mole for the displayed question. I have a trigger for playing the "right" sound when the user clicks on the correct mole for the displayed question. I have a trigger to add to the total score for each correct answer, and a trigger to add to a specific variable for each type of question that is answered correctly. The purpose for the question specific variables is so that when the user gets to the review slide at the end, it'll show which topics they should review based on their performance. These triggers are located on each mole layer. I have been unsuccessful with getting these triggers to work. I have attached the game below. Any help you guys can provide would be appreciated.
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
I looked at it, and the triggers all seem to me to be working. Of course, perhaps I don't have a good picture of what "working" means to you. Maybe you can help me.
Which ones aren't working?
What do you want them to do?
What are they doing instead?
- MorganLiffers-dCommunity Member
The couples of things aren't working:
-The Total Score isn't changing as I am selecting the correct answers (moles). It only works on the the last question.
-The Correct and Incorrect audio isn't working when I click on the moles. It only works on the last question.
Thank you!
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
You have a clever way to show the moles at random, but it is causing timing problems. All of the layers are showing at once, including the Activate Moles layer. The last layer shown is on top, but doesn't cover any layer below it, including Activate Moles. All the triggers on all the layers (including the base) are active all the time. Therefore, any click is outside the checkmark on Active Moles, and causes the textbox to change its state. That happens before the list of triggers on the top layer is completed, so even a correct click is considered wrong because the state of the textbox has changed. You need a way to delay changing the state of the textbox until the click is scored.
The attachment shows one way to do that.
- MorganLiffers-dCommunity Member
Thank you! I'll try that out this week.
- WaltHamiltonSuper Hero
You're welcome. PIAWYC (Pass it along when you can.)