Forum Discussion

PaulArrighi-f37's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

What Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities is Articulate looking to integrate with its authoring tools? Can Chat GPT be leveraged into creating eLearning tools?

AI tools and apps are being rapidly developed.  The Articulate suite of tools could integrate capabilities such as:

A virtual instructional designer workflow that can either output storyboards or create complete courses and enable an iterative improvement with repeated prompting.

A chatbox that can be restricted to replying only to questions that are relevant to the course topics.

An AI-based photography applet that enables a photo-realistic creation of avatars with myriad poses and emotions beyond the current set of cut-out people.

What do you think?

  • Is it correct to assume that Articulate's AI features will be running in the cloud?
    If so, how are organizations dealing with company data likely being processed outside the organization in terms of privacy and cyber security?
    Are there any data flow diagrams available for how these Articulate AI features will be implemented?

    • SarahHodge's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi Roger! We will not be using your data to train any AI models, nor will your data be stored long-term with any subprocessors. We will be able to provide more information when the feature is released.

      • RogerBeckett-f2's avatar
        Community Member
        Sarah Hodge

        Hi Roger! We will not be using your data to train any AI models, nor will your data be stored long-term with any subprocessors. We will be able to provide more information when the feature is released.

        Thank you, Sarah.
        Much appreciated.


  • Hi Sarah

    As an alternative, will there be a way to upload private data/information and have AI learn from it to populate a chat box embedded in a 360 course while maintaining private data privacy?

    Think of it this way:

    • Create a course
    • Embed a chatbot that has access to supplied data/ FAQs/spreadsheets
    • As the user completes the course, they can interact with the chatbot.  Bonus if the chatbot instance can read across all courses via CMI or xAPI...
  • Hi Paul, this will not be part of our first release of AI tools but is something we're looking into supporting in the future. 

  • Seems like amazing features are on the way to explore more about eLearning, Can anyone help me finding present complex features of Articulate Storyline VS how we will be saving time and effort once AI will be launched?

  • Good Morning. I saw a demo of some of the new Rise AI functionality in your webinar several weeks back...very exciting!!!

    Can you share a timeline when this will be released? We have several projects that would greatly benefit from this new AI functionality.


  • BWoods's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Rob. We're currently targeting Spring 2024 for launching a beta of the first Articulate AI features. And this is just the start—you can expect additional AI features to be added over time.

    We'll be posting more details here on E-Learning Heroes soon, so be sure to keep an eye on our homepage for news.

  • SinchuRaj-'s avatar
    Community Member

    I've integrated OpenAI into Storyline, allowing you to input any tool you want to learn, and the course will be generated accordingly. While it's currently focused on tools, this capability is scalable to any content users want to learn.

    Additionally, there's a question validation page where you can input your own questions, expected answers, and user responses, and then use AI to validate them. You can also edit tags by entering "Ctrl+ Q" on the last question page.

    Please review and share your feedback.

    ChatGPT | Review 360 (

    • RayCole-2d64185's avatar
      Community Member

      That is an impressive integration! Nice work.

      It does show the limitations of text-based chat, though. The prototype you shared teaches us about a tool, but not how to use it. It doesn't drive learner practice with the tool.

      What I would like to see is if Chat-GPT can generate problem-based learning scenarios for the selected tool. Actually, tools are probably not the best fit because to learn any software tool it's almost a necessity to be able to see and interact with the software's various screens, and Chat-GPT isn't able to generate accurate images of software screens.

      But could your interface be useful for teaching things more compatible with a text-centric interface with images that don't have to exactly match anything specific in the real world? For example, could it teach Hazard Analysis by generating an image of a work site with some hazards and asking learners to identify the hazards they see? Then it could ask what measures the learner would take to protect against those hazards while working in the space shown.

      If it did this for a variety of spaces, it would drive learner practice in simple hazard recognition, at least, and get you more into the realm of "learning how" rather than just "learning about."

      None of which should take away from your very interesting integration of Chat-GPT with Storyline. It is a really cool technology demonstration.

  • For those interested about AI in Storyline. Last week we finished a first prototype of AI-based chat tool directly in Storyline. Builtin is the option to upload a document and instructions to ensure openAI doesnot make up non-existing content and all answers will come from the uploaded doc(s). As all is handled by NodeJS on the server, it ofcourse is safe.

  • Are you suggesting that, say, a manual on aircraft maintenance or statute books (documents) can be loaded, and then a learner can interrogate a chatbot, with the chatbot only replying to the user based on content within the uploaded docs?

    Can you demo this?

    Can the chatbot be personalised?

    If so, can you share this?  


    • MathNotermans-9's avatar
      Community Member

      Yes, not suggesting. Have that working ! . As it is a prototype i am working on for Tilburg University, no i cannot share. I can demo this however, and can be personalised exactly as you need/want it. Contact me at for more info and a demo.