Forum Discussion

JohnMarkowski-6's avatar
Community Member
11 months ago

Workday as LMS and reporting

Hi, all! We are having a hard time getting questions and answers to show on our LMS reports. We use Workday, have results slides, and publish as SCORM 2004. Any other suggestions or ideas? 

  • Hello John!

    I'm happy to help! Are you finding that your LMS doesn't report any of the data from the course or only select pieces of information?

    One thing that we usually suggest is to test your course in a testing LMS environment like SCORM cloud. If reporting is working as expected there, then it's likely something you'll want to reach out to your LMS admin about. If you reporting isn't correct in SCORM cloud, then it's something with your .story file. If that is the case, then it would be helpful if you could share your .story file with us in a support case.

  • Hi John!

    We're using Workday at my org too and we were told the SCORM had to be 1.2

  • EmilyHackl's avatar
    Community Member

    Hi John and Brandon!

    My company is getting ready to move from Cornerstone to Workday for our LMS. We have been asking about quiz reporting also and are being told they don't think it's possible in Workday to get question and answers details. 

    They haven't mentioned that we are restricted to SCORM 1.2 though. Brandon, are you having success viewing question and answers when exporting courses as SCORM 1.2.

    • BrandonWright's avatar
      Community Member

      No success on seeing question and answers. We see answers only, but it doesn't tell us which attempt. I can send you a screen grab of what we see if that will be helpful.

      • ChevonBowen-f74's avatar
        Community Member

        Hi Brandon,

        I'm actually curious as to where you find the submitted answers in Workday. Do they show up within the employee's profile somehow, or do they show up within the course? My company doesn't understand where the find the results in Workday, so I'm trying to find answers. Any insights you could share would be appreciated!

        In community,


  • Joining the conversation...

    I am looking to add a Likert Scale Survey within my courses that will ask a few questions and have the learners assess their level of agreement. Hoping to get this information sent over to a report in Workday Learning. Has anyone been able to figure out how to set this up within Storyline?

    Thanks in advance!!!

    • StevenBenassi's avatar

      Hi Casey!

      It sounds like you had questions about Likert Scale survey reporting by your LMS. Happy to help with this!

      Likert data can be very specific to the Learning Management System being used, and how they report the data. If you test your course in SCORM Cloud, are you receiving the correct reports from your Likert questions?

      Also, my teammate Crystal shared some helpful tips on the compatibility between Likert Scales and LMSs, here.

      • CaseyLentz-1f79's avatar
        Community Member

        Thank you for the response Steven!

        I am more interested right now what kind of settings I need to setup to get the survey results to report out of Storyline itself. Ideally I would like to know 2 things:

        1. The learners completed the entire CBT (I'm currently using a "complete Course" trigger

        2. What their response to the Likert Survey question(s) was/were

        I'm assuming these would need to be setup in the Publishing steps but not sure what options I should be selecting.

        Thanks again!

  • Hi Casey,

    Happy to chime in!

    As long as you have a Result Slide that reports the response of the Likert interaction to your LMS, you should see your learner's response in your LMS's reporting section.

    You'll need to make sure that you're publishing your course for LMS distribution so your published output will have the necessary files needed to communicate with an LMS.

    Hi Brandon, 

    Can I ask if you've tried testing your course in SCORM Cloud? If you're getting the same behavior when you test your course there, please share a copy of your project file here or in private by opening a support case so we can take a closer look at the quiz data that your course sends to the LMS. We'll delete it when we're done testing!