Forum Discussion

HeleneCarpentie's avatar
Community Member
8 months ago

Xlf file processed but no translation appears


I'm trying to translate one of my online courses, using this workflow : 

1. Duplicate your course.
2. Export the XLIFF file.
3. Translate the XLIFF file.
4. Import the XLIFF file into the duplicated course.

Unfortunately, the file is processed successfully, but once the upload is completed, my course is still on the previous language.
Is there an option to switch language that I haven't noticed or is the xlf file having a problem ? Also, is there an upload limit to the length of the translation file ?
Thank you for your help.
  • FelixFranke's avatar
    Community Member

    Have a look in the forum here, xliff has so many problems (or articulate seems to have a problem with it), I don't know where to begin...

    So many people struggle with xliff and articulate software because the output of Rise360 (and Storyline360) is xliff 1.2, which is no longer supported by a lot of translation programs...

    My main problem with xliff is that it is a black box. If / when it works, it's great, if it doesn't, you are screwed because you have no way of knowing why unless you involve an IT guy who is versed in xliff. Takes time, nerves and ressources.

    My tip: Open a support ticket with articulate and ask for their advice. The more work they have with it, the more motivation they have to sort it out in their software.

    Good luck!

    (Sorry for sounding harsh, but this has been discussed here so many times, and it still does not work, I am pretty frustrated by now...)

  • Hello Helene,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I checked your translated file and it appears to be missing the target tags needed for the translation to take effect. Here's what a correctly translated file should look like for your reference. Notice the presence of <target> tags in the file. 

    Would you mind sharing how you performed the translation? Did you use a third-party translation service or a tool like Trados or Smartcat? If not, please do, and with proper translation, the translated file should work when imported back into your Rise 360 course. 

    To answer your other question, there is no limit to how long a translation file can be.

    Let me know if you have any questions!