Forum Discussion

HRlearning-c2b4's avatar
Community Member
2 years ago

Course status is passed. only after clicking on button.

I apologize for my English, I write through Google translator.
How to make in rise so that the course status "passed" is sent only after clicking on the "complete" button and is not sent when I have watched the course to the end? I need to do the same as it is done in storyline 360 using the trigger complete course. My LMS system does not allow viewing the course when it is completed and when I view the course to the end I get an error that the course has already been completed. In storyline 360, on the last slide, I make a button and put two triggers on it complete course and exit, it works great.

  • Hello,

    If you track your course by course completion, your LMS will automatically complete the course once a learner reaches the percentage you assigned when exporting it.

    You can do two things at the end of your course if you wish to emulate the completion trigger in Storyline.  The first is to add a Checkbox List block, and the second is to add a Continue block below it and set it to Complete the Block Above It (as shown below):

    Your learners won't be able to complete the course unless they click on the checkbox and proceed to the Continue block.

    • HRlearning-c2b4's avatar
      Community Member


      Thanks for the help.

      After following your instructions, the course stopped auto-completing, but my problem is not completely resolved. After I click on the "continue" button, which is hidden under the checkbox, the course sends information about the passage to the LMS, and the course window remains open and the error still appears. I need to make the "continue" button send the course status as "passed" and close the course window.

  • I tested this setup in SCORM Cloud, and I was able to get a complete and passing result after checking the box, clicking on the Continue button, and manually closing out the window.

    If you prefer your course to automatically return back to your LMS, you can set up a button stack to close out of the course window to return to your LMS or add an ever-present Exit Course button.  Check out this article for more information about this.

    • HRlearning-c2b4's avatar
      Community Member

      You probably misunderstood me or I didn’t explain correctly :) With certain settings of my LMS, the course works correctly for me, but after completing the course, students need to return to the course page in the LMS and press the “complete” button so that the system translates this course into passed. But not all students do this and I have to track the progress of the course and manually complete it in the LMS. To avoid this, I set up the automatic completion of the course in the LMS when the course sends its status "passed" to the system. With storyline, I manage to set everything up through triggers, and everything has been working correctly for me for several years. In Fig, the problem is this: when a student views the course to the end, whether there are buttons there or not, the course automatically sends its status "passed" to the LMS and after receiving this status, the LMS begins to block any other changes, since it considers that the course has already been completed and you can not go through it again or add new data to the final state. I need to disable the automatic sending of the course status, and do it on the click of a button. When you click the button, the course should send its status "passed" and close the course window.
      Here's how it's set up in the storyline:

      • Chris-Santos's avatar

        Thanks for elaborating on the issue.  I don't think I have encountered an LMS where learners have this COMPLETE button on their course page to send a status of passed.

        I've created case 03658851 for you since it may be best to speak with our support team on how best to handle your scenario.