Forum Discussion

NickMorrison's avatar
Community Member
3 months ago

RISE course - button issue preventing users from clicking

Have built out a course in RISE - it works fine in the review 360 tool, worked fine in testing for me and my testers, and even our SAP testing/support service.
But we have found a small cohort of users that are not able to activate the orange "next button" to move to the next tabs to complete the section.

LMS is Success Factors (SAP). Course published as a SCORM 1.2.

This is a rise "block" and pre-programmed, I merely dragged and dropped content - so it's not as if I messed up any programming/coding. I should also mention that this is an issue in more than one course. (5 courses total seem to be suffering from the same issue)

We have found that if the user enlarges the screen to full screen mode that the button suddenly works.

Seems like a scaling/mapping issue. Is there a way to fix this permanently so users don't have to enlarge/fit to screen? 
I've put a warning on the description page of the course...but nobody seems to read it and I have to field individual questions regarding it. 

Thanks for any insight and/or help!


  • PhilFoss's avatar
    Community Member

    Do you know if the users are actually trying to click the button? I was trying to replicate that but could not. I have a feeling the users simply don't know there is an additional tab, they would need to hover over the tab titles in order to know there is another hidden tab, maybe that happens as they change their screen size. There is an additional tab at the right side in the below, but a user would never know that until hovering the tab titles.

    • NickMorrison's avatar
      Community Member

      Yes, the users are trying to click the button. I didn't show it but there are instructions above the tabs to let them know to hover over the tabs to reveal the orange button to see more information.

  • NickMorrison's avatar
    Community Member

    Any thoughts on this issue from Articulate themselves? 
    They must have seen this before, or have an idea of what I might be able to do to mitigate/fix this? (other than splitting up the tab block into two separate tabs?)

    • EricSantos's avatar

      Hi Nick,

      Thanks for reaching out to us in a support case as well! My colleague Robert helped confirm that this is a bug of the product, which is observed when the Rise course is viewed in a narrow iframe. This explains why enlarging to full-screen mode allows the orange Next button to work.

      Our product team is aware of the issue, and we'll let you know once a fix is in place.

      • NickMorrison's avatar
        Community Member

        Thanks so much for the update! I really appreciate it!