Forum Discussion
Google Analytics at Page Level in Rise
Hi Guys
One of the benefits of using Rise is that we have been able to host training outside the LMS and embed links within products. This allows us to embed those links with software products and people are able to consume training easily.
However tracking goes for a toss since Google Analytics only works at an index.html level for now.
Is there a way we can see how much time is being spent on what topic in rise?
Warm Regards
Hi Akshay - I reached out to a few users who may be able to help.
- ZsoltOlah-2c1a4Community Member
I don't really use Google analytics but it seems like you can add a custom field to the page:
Specifying fields at creation time
An optional fields object may also be passed that allows you to set any of the analytics.js fields at creation time, so they will be stored on the tracker and apply to all hits that are sent.
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto', 'myTracker', {
userId: '12345'
});And as with all calls to the ga() function, the fields object may also be used to specify all of the fields together:
ga('create', {
trackingId: 'UA-XXXXX-Y',
cookieDomain: 'auto',
name: 'myTracker',
userId: '12345'
});See the create method reference for more comprehensive details.
So, in theory, you could set the optional field to the page identifier from the URL.
Whatever the "k" equals to is a unique identifier for each page. You could grab that from the URL and create the tracking based on that.
Not tested, just an idea.
Cool idea, Zsolt!
- AkshayIyerCommunity Member
Thank you so much David and Zsolt.. Let me try that out and if it works, will post the results here so that everyone else can benefit from the same.
- BritneyOsbern-1Community Member
Yes! Please post the results.
- HeatherBeaudoinCommunity Member
I'm evaluating Rise right now just for this same purpose. Akshay, I'd be interested in hearing your results... and I'm curious to hear more about how you're using Rise for product training.
Are you creating links to the content directly within pages of a web-based product?
Are you able to secure the Rise pages so they can't be accessed directly through their URL without being logged into the product?
- AkshayIyerCommunity Member
Hi Heather, my primary aim is to make the education as open as possible while allowing us to track user behavior. In this case, the rise package will be exported as web only with google analytics tracking enabled and hosted within the subdomain of a SaaS product. Hence, not too concerned about locking content. In fact, i would argue the opposite and say content is a commodity that should be open and drive people towards buying or experiencing the product.
I will keep you guys posted on any breakthroughs we make on the detailed tracking effort. Meanwhile it would be a feature request for the articulate side to look at how to enable tracking by creating some kind of widget where we can enter the code in each section.
Content is now a commodity and will be more open instead of being tied to an LMS. We would expect it to be easily tracked with Google Analytics by giving it as an OOTB feature.
- TInaDeuxCommunity Member
Hi Akshay,
I know it has been a long time since you started this thread but I'm hoping you can help!
I've created product tutorials using Rise 360 that we have placed on the product pages on our website. Our audience for these are potential and existing end users of our products, where they may increase their familiarity with the products before buying, or even after purchase without the need to go through the online manual documentation that we provide on a support centre website.
I am currently looking at adding Google Analytics to this by adding tracking code to the HTML however I would also be interested in seeing how long users are spending on a topic, and also looking to see if there is a way in which we may be able to track event triggers such as hitting a 'complete' button or something akin to that so that we can see the numbers of people actually going through the entire tutorial. Have you been able to get anywhere close to anything like this?
- AkshayIyer-7e43Community Member
Hi Tina
Sadly, we sadly did not make any progress on it. I tried to get a developer to help out with this but it did not get us anywhere. We went away from that plan and set up an online academy by using Learn Upon. Customers could log in using their personal or professional email addresses and share their certificates and achievements on social media.
Sorry could not be of more help to you. Even if articulate does not allow google analytics, some alternate solution from their end would be nice.
Warm Regards
- PeteGermanCommunity Member
Hi Zsolt, David, Ashkay - did adding custom fields work for tracking?
- PeteGermanCommunity Member
Or has anyone else cracked a way of tracking how far people get through a module when exported as a webpage rather than LMS?
- AkshayIyerCommunity Member
Hey, we tried using custom fields and made some initial breakthroughs. Then I think Articulate went through a software update where they changed the way rise content is published and it made all our research null and void. We need Articulate to support us with this piece. The beauty of the tool is that it allows you to create great content quickly and they need to figure out some OOTB functionality that makes tracking easier. Some of my stakeholders were also talking about the SEO value of this content and if its possible to get articulate to support editing of meta tags etc.