Forum Discussion

NBirks's avatar
Community Member
10 days ago

Include or global block

Where I work, we reuse many blocks from a library of blocks that we created. With the template system for duplicating blocks, if one of them gets updated, then many of the same updates need to be made to each copy or instance of the original block across all courses. This makes for mindless work that a computer or server could do much better.

What is needed is a global block that works as a server "include" would. That is a block that goes to get the source original and automatically includes it in the course. That way if the original source block is updated, all the instances of that block would also be updated across all courses that have it.

  • Loupetron's avatar
    Community Member

    Synced blocks would be amazing. I use the same "How to use this microlearning" and Key takeaway banners block template in many courses. It would be amazing if that was synced between all of my designs, so if I update the graphics or tweak the wording, it would just mean I had to republish rather than re-edit every one.