rise 360
91 TopicsRise: Ai assistant referencing other Rises
Hello :) I noticed in Rise that you can have the AI assistant reference a few documents in the powerpoint, PDF & word format. Is there a plan to have the assistant reference other rise's? For example, I have quite a lot of different materials and topics built in rise that I have done over the years. It would be great if I was able to paste the link or select the ones I wish to reference when building new or comprehensive materials. I found it odd that I could reference physical materials, but not materials built with the software to begin with. It's quite labouring to have to export a topic into pdf/word, over and over again, only to have to upload each one again into the assistant for the course I'm building.6Views0likes0CommentsSCORM CONNECT
Bonjour il serait intéressant de proposer un développement de "scorm connect" sur RISE360. Générer un scorm, le charger sur LMS et pouvoir directement modifier le contenu depuis RISE360 qui mettrait à jour le scorm sur LMS sans avoir besoin de le régénérer. Ca existe certains commencent à le mettre en place. Pourquoi pas Articulate ? Merci par avance, cdt S.9Views0likes1CommentRise 360 - Chaptered Video
Hello, community, Here’s a feature that would be useful in Rise 360. I would like to create a chaptered video in Rise 360, similar to your presentation titled How to Write Alt Text for E-Learning. In that presentation, below the video, a text lists the chapter objectives, and when a learner clicks on a specific chapter, they are automatically redirected to the corresponding moment in the video. Perhaps it will be possible soon? Have a great day!23Views1like3CommentsPublish to a folder in Review360
I would love to see the ability to publish a course directly to a specific folder in Review360 whether it is a Storyline course or Rise course. Right now, I publish the courses and then have to manually go through the process to move them to the folders I have setup. It's not a big deal but would make life a whole lot easier. And it would be great to have this ability as well with Team folders.4Views0likes0CommentsCustom Color Palette for Company Brands
I would love for there to be a way to add all of our six brand colors to a palette within our Rise 360 theme. That way, every time I go to select a color from the palette, I just need to click the swatch I want without having to reenter the hex code each time.17Views0likes1CommentPrompt/Recommendations
Could Rise or Storyline keep track of the course content and interactions used and make recommendations on how to improve, either on the fly or before you publish. For example: Your course has too much continuous text, we recommend adding an image here. You haven't used any interactions, to maintain user engagement how about adding a question here. This lesson is too long and contains too much information, we suggest splitting into multiple lessons. The title case is not consistent with the rest of the course. This image does not have any caption text.6Views0likes0CommentsRise Course Template - GDPR
We are a large UK organisation that has found the Rise Course Templates an excellent feature for creating bespoke eLearning. I cannot see anything that could support us with training around General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection. Probably because this does not apply to the US and is only relevant to EU organisations. Could a template be developed for this subject? Sue13Views0likes1Comment