Presenter 360: Adding an Interaction to a Slide
Use Articulate Engage to quickly add beautiful, form-based interactions to Articulate Presenter courses. You can create new interactions directly in Presenter or import existing interactions.
Creating a New Interaction
To create a new interaction as a slide in your course, do the following:
- Select the slide in your presentation that'll come just before your interaction. (You can rearrange slides at any time in PowerPoint, but the interaction will initially be inserted after the slide that's currently selected.)
- Go to the Articulate tab on the PowerPoint ribbon and click Engage Interaction.
- Select the Engage Interactions tab on the left side of the window that appears.
- Click Create New on the right side of the window.
- When prompted, select the type of interaction you want to create, enter a title for your interaction, and click OK. (The title will be shown in the player menu and will also be used for the interaction project file name.)
- When Engage launches, build your interaction the way you want. To learn more about using Engage, see these user guides.
- When your interaction is ready, click Save and Return to Presenter on the Engage ribbon.
To adjust the properties for your interaction, see Customizing Interaction Properties.
Tip: Another option for adding a new interaction to Presenter is to launch Engage, build the interaction, then publish it directly to Presenter.
Importing an Existing Interaction
If you already created an interaction that you want to add to your Presenter course, do the following:
- Select the slide in your presentation that'll come just before your interaction. (You can rearrange slides at any time in PowerPoint, but the interaction will initially be inserted after the slide that's currently selected.)
- Go to the Articulate tab on the PowerPoint ribbon and click Engage Interaction.
- Select the Engage Interactions tab on the left side of the window that appears.
- Click Add Existing on the right side of the window.
- Browse to the interaction file you want to import and click Open.
- Note: If your interaction dimensions don't match your PowerPoint dimensions, the interaction will be centered on the slide and, if necessary, scaled down to fit within the slide.
- Use the following properties to customize how the interaction behaves with the rest of your course:
- Remove: This removes the interaction from your presentation. (If you've added more than one interaction, make sure you select the right one in the list before you remove it.)
- Edit Interaction: This opens the interaction in Engage so you can edit it. When you finish editing, click Save and Return to Presenter on the Engage ribbon.
- Show in menu as: Choose whether your interaction will display as a single item in the player menu or as multiple items (one for each step in your interaction).
- Allow user to leave interaction: Choose whether learners will be able to jump to another slide in your course at any time or only after viewing all the steps in the interaction.
- Prev/Next player buttons go to: Choose whether the player buttons jump to the adjacent step in the interaction or slide in the overall course. (For this option to be available, the interaction's playback mode must be Interactive, including the option to Show previous/next buttons, and learners must be allowed to leave the interaction at any time (see previous bullet point).)
- When you're finished, click Close.
Tip: Another option for adding an existing interaction to Presenter is to open the interaction in Engage and publish it directly to Presenter.
You Might Also Want to Explore:
Choosing an Interaction Size
Adding an Interaction to a Player Tab
Customizing Interaction Properties