Engage 360 lets you choose which features and controls are included on your interaction player. To customize your player, click Player on the Engage ribbon.

When the Player Properties window appears, the Features button will already be selected on the ribbon. Just choose the options you want. As you make changes on the left side of the window, the preview area on the right will update to reflect your choices.

Displaying the Player Title

Mark the Title box to display a title in the upper left corner of your player. If you don't want to display a title on your player, uncheck the box.

The title defaults to the type of interaction you're building, but you can change it. Just type the title you want in the corresponding field. This changes the title on the player, but it won't change the name of your project file or the title that appears in the interaction header bar. The maximum length for the player title is 80 characters.

Displaying a Volume Controller and Seekbar

The Controls area of the window includes additional options for your interaction player:


If this box is marked, a volume slider will appear in the lower left corner of your player.


Mark this box if you want to include a seekbar at the bottom of your player. The seekbar automatically includes play/pause and rewind buttons.

Showing or Hiding Navigation Buttons

Although the previous and next buttons appear on your player, they’re controlled by your playback mode.

To change your playback mode and navigation buttons:

  1. Close the Player Properties window if it's open and click Interaction Properties on the Engage ribbon.
  2. Select and select the Playback tab on the left edge of the window that appears.
  3. Choose a playback mode:
    • Interactive: If you choose this playback mode, you'll have the option to show or hide the previous and next buttons.
    • Linear: If you choose this playback mode, the previous and next buttons will always show. They can't be hidden or removed.
    • Presentation: If you choose this playback mode, the interaction advances by itself. There won't be any navigation buttons on your player.
  4. Click OK.

Tip: To change the wording for the previous and next buttons, see Customizing the Text Labels.

Saving Player Changes

When you click OK to close the Player Properties window, Engage saves your player customizations in your project file.

If you'd like to use the same customizations in other projects, click Current Player on the ribbon and choose Save. If prompted, enter a name for your custom player and click OK.

To learn more about the Current Player options, see this user guide.

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