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19 Ways Instructional Designers Use Branching Scenarios #99

DavidAnderson's avatar
10 years ago


Branching Scenarios in E-Learning RECAP #99: Challenge | Recap

Thanks to everyone who shared demos or feedback in this week's challenge

Remember: The challenges are always open. You can jump into this or any previous challenge anytime and we'll update the recap post to include your work.

Punam Parab

View project | Punam Parab | Website | @punam_parab

Linda Lorenzetti

Great example of how e-learning scenarios can help servers learn to properly stack and carry heavy items on a serving tray.  Inspired by an older post by Cathy Moore, this is a creative drag-and-drop example that asks learners to justify their choices.

View demo | Learn more | Linda Lorenzetti | Website | @lindalor

Phil Mayor 

Game-based scenario teaches learners the essential skills of the ninja. Phil won the Gold in this this year’s Articulate Guru contest with this entry. This example features scenarios, practice activities, and gamified elements like progress meters and scoring. Try to set aside some time to go through this amazing project.


View demo | Phil Mayor | Website  | @philmayor

Nancy Woinoski

Our second game-based scenario example comes from Guru Bronze winner Nancy Woinoski. Branching elements include robot assembly and trivia game activities. Another great example to spend time deconstructing.

View demo |  Nancy Woinoski | Website | @pinchedhead 

Dude, where’s my bicycle? Help solve the crime in this interactive scenario that features branching video interviews.

View demo |  Nancy Woinoski | Website | @pinchedhead

Rachel Barnum 

Get ready for your first day on the job in this branching scenario example! The scenario gives learners the option to personalize their experience by adding their name and choosing an avatar.

View demo | Rachel Barnum | Website | @OhThatRachel

Todd Troost

Cool scenario example from an Effective Team Communication course. This branching scenario example features an engaging video introduction and role-play activities. 

Note: I liked how Todd introduced himself this week and requested feedback on his project. The community offered helpful and constructive feedback which Todd worked into his follow-up example. You all make me so happy to be part of this community. Thank you!

Todd Troost

Dongxue Sun 

Cool use of e-learning scenarios and gamified elements in this Project Scope Management interaction.

Dongxue Sun

Brian Keys

Check out this scenario example designed to teach restaurant personnel how to greet guests. You’ll get plenty of practice to try on different greetings while receiving constructive feedback on each choice.

View demo | Brian KeysWebsite | @briantrains

Dianne Hope

E-learning’s celebrity, Atsumi, is running into some challenging situations. Can you help her navigate the challenges to find a successful solution?



View demo | Learn more | Dianne Hope | Website | @DianneHope

Veronica Budnikas 

Cool use of adding background audio in this scenario challenge designed to help engineers repair a collapsed bridge. The scenario quickly sets up the situation before moving learners into a role-play situations. Nicely done, Veronica!

View demo | Veronica Budnikas | Website | @verobudnikas

Alexander Salas

Hospitality training using gamification and branching scenarios.

View demo | Learn more | Alexander Salas | Website | @stylelearn

Virak Yang

Practice your leadership styles in this scenario-based quiz. This example features personalized options such as adding learner name and tailoring content based on learner responses. Very nice example, Virak!

Virak Yang | Website

Nagarjuna Veeramallu

Branching scenario example designed to train retailers how to interact with shoppers to uncover their purchasing needs. 

View demo | Learn more | Nagarjuna Veeramallu | Pixentia | @pixentia

Alexander Salas

Alexander once again breaks out the countdown timers in his gamified scenario. His scenario example features countdown timers, scoring, and creative quizzes. You’ll need to answer each question correctly to have a fighting chance at winning! 

View demo | Learn more | Alexander Salas | Website | @stylelearn

Gerard Friel

Creative use of Michael Allen's CCAF scenario model. This branching scenario features gamificaton elements like personalization, feedback, and Lego avatars.

View demo | Learn more | Gerard Friel | Website |  @gerardfriel 

Karen Perdomo

Gorgeous comic book design in this branching scenario designed to help learners practice responding to drinking and driving.


Karen Perdomo

Parichaya Kanungo

Help Rohn with career choices in this scenario-based activity.

Parichaya Kanungo

Rachel Craig

As a salesperson, it’s your job to recommend the right shoes for your customers. This scenario-based example helps retail shoe personnel make the best recommendations based on customer needs.

Rachel Craig

Ashi Tandon

Here's a fun idea for letting learners choose their rideshare options. It's a simple demo with many practical applications for using icons to help learners make choices. 

View demo | Ashi Tandon | Website | @ashi_tandon


Ben Filla

Ben Filla | Website

Fletcher Hammond

Fletcher Hammond

Jackie Van Nice

View demo | Learn more | Jackie Van Nice | @jackietrains

Dianne Hope

View demo | Learn more | Forum discussion | Dianne Hope | Website | @DianneHope

New to the E-Learning Challenges? 

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure. 

If you share your demos on Twitter, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

Show and Share Your Branching Scenarios 

The branching scenario challenge is still open! Please click here to jump over to the challenge and share your examples and I'll update this post with your examples.

Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0