You’ve probably seen surveys before with a multiple choice or multiple response question that has an option for entering your own text if you answer “Other”.

There was a question recently in the E-Learning Heroes community asking if this could be done in Articulate Storyline and have all the “Other” text entries recorded in a learning management system (LMS). The short answer is yes. Watch this screencast for the longer answer including the steps involved to make it happen.

View the published demo

In the right situation, including this “Other” textbox is great way to collect learner inputs beyond what you can provide as answer options. While this scenario called for using survey questions, you can also do this several other ways including using Quizmaker’s branching features as illustrated in this example.

Do you ever need creative solutions for your courses? Jump in to the community to share ideas and solutions with other E-Learning Heroes just like you. 

Mike Taylor