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Challenge Recaps

42 Creative Examples of Radial Menu Navigation in E-Learning #189

DavidAnderson's avatar
7 years ago

Radial Menu Navigation in E-Learning RECAP #189: Challenge | Recap

This week's challenge asked course designers to share examples for using circular menu navigation in e-learning. Demos include animated accordion menus, using dials for menu navigation, expanding and collapsing menus, and much more!

Montse Anderson

View project | Montse | Website | @mLearning

Cecile Caswell

View project | Cecile Caswell

Dave LeFevre

View project | Dave LeFevre

Chris Undery

View project | Download | Chris Undery


Jackie Van Nice

View project | Learn more | Jackie Van Nice | @jackietrains

Harold Lentink

View project | Harold Lentink

Claudine Caro

View project | Claudine Caro | Website | @ClaudineCaro

Alexander Salas

View project | Download | Alexander Salas | Website | @stylelearn


Angela Conrad

View project | Angela Conrad | Website |  @desi9ndevil

Phil Mayor

View project | Download | Phil Mayor | Website | @philmayor

View project | Download | Phil Mayor | Website | @philmayor

Rambo Levin

View project | Download | Rambo Levin | Website | @rambolevin

Jodi Sansone

View project | Jodi Sansone

Matthew Guyan

View project | Matthew Guyan | Website | @MattGuyan

Evangelos Neochoritis

View project | Evangelos Neochoritis

Phil Mayor

View project | Phil Mayor | Website | @philmayor

Magdalena Kos

View project | Magdalena Kos

Paul Alders

View project | Download | Paul Alders | Website | @paulalders

Michael Kauzlarich

View project | Michael Kauzlarich

Dan Graham

View project | Download | Dan Graham | Website | @EzLearnin

Allison Goldthorpe

View project | Learn more & download | Allison Goldthorpe | Website | @AGoldthorpeID

Greta Petro

View project | Greta Petro

LJ Beaupre

View project | Learn more & download | LJ Beaupre | @LJBeaupre

Mohammad Hassam

View project | Learn more & download | Mohammad Hassam | Website | @mohammadhassam

Dana Kocalis

View project | Dana Dutiel | Website | @danadutiel

Ashi (Neha) Tandon

View project | Ashi (Neha) Tandon | Website | @ashi_tandon

Haluk Ünal

View project | Haluk Ünal

David Lindenberg

View project | Download | David Lindenberg | Website | @dvdlindenberg

Swift Elearning Services

View project | Swift Elearning Services | Website

Dana Kocalis

View project | Dana Dutiel | Website | @danadutiel

Taylor Tomanio

View project | Taylor Tomanio | Website

Jeffrey Riley

View project | Download | Jeffrey Riley | Website

Linda Lorenzetti

View project | Linda Lorenzetti | Website | @lindalor

Darren Wall

View project | Darren Wall

Charles Zoffuto

View project | Charles Zoffuto | Website | @charleszoffuto

Sean Hickey

View project | Sean Hickey

Holly Castellow

View project | Holly Castellow

Stephanie Harnett

View project | Learn more & download | Stephanie Harnett | Website | @slhice

New to the E-Learning Challenges?

The weekly challenges are ongoing opportunities to learn, share, and build your e-learning portfolios. You can jump into any or all of the previous challenges anytime you want. I’ll update the recap posts to include your demos.

If you have a blog, please consider writing about your challenges. We’ll link back to your posts so the great work you’re sharing gets even more exposure. If you share your demos on Twitter, try using #ELHChallenge so your tweeps can track your e-learning coolness.

Share Your Circular Menu Navigation Examples

The radial menu challenge is still open! If you have one or more ideas you'd like to share, please jump over to the original challenge and post your links in the comments section. I'll update this recap page to include your examples.

Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0