"Access to the path was denied."

Jan 26, 2023

What triggers this error message?

The folder is the My Articulate Projects, in the My Documents folder. If I Save As the file to the Desktop, that works fine.

11 Replies
Joseph Francis

Good news, everybody! We got it working for both Storyline and Quizmaker (since those are the 2 apps I use regularly). 

Microsoft 365 Defender's Controlled Folder Access was preventing Storyline and Quizmaker from writing to my OneDrive folder (in the background, OneDrive is automatically and silently backing up the local My Documents folder and all of its sub-folders). As those applications had not been added to the "trusted" list in Defender, their output files were not allowed to be saved to My Documents or any of its sub-folders.

Once Storyline and Quizmaker were added to Defender's list of trusted applications, the error messages no longer appeared when doing either a Save or a Save As... to My Documents and/or My Documents/My Articulate Projects.

Be sure to include the complete path to the EXEs for Storyline and Quizmaker and the file-types they save (filename.story and filename.quiz) when configuring Defender.

Kelly Auner

Hi Brian,

I see you've connected with my teammate, Georvy, in a support case. You're in great hands! We'll continue the conversation there.


If anyone in the community is experiencing a similar issue, here are some troubleshooting steps to get started: