Forum Discussion

anoyatis's avatar
Community Member
11 years ago

[HowTo] Multiple correct answers in a Freeform Hotspot

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but I happened to come across it today as I was freeforming* in Storyline.

You know how on a freeform hotspot slide you can have zero/one/many incorrect hotspots but only one correct? Turns out you can have as many correct as you like. What you need to do is this follow this procedure :

  • Create a new hotspot freeform slide.
  • Set your correct and incorrect answers - at this point you can only set one correct hotspot, but we will set the rest later, but do go ahead and set all the incorrect ones.
  • Now remove the freeform from the interaction by going to Insert-->Remove Freeform
  • Now copy and paste the correct hotspot (the only green one) to other areas of your screen.
  • Once you've set them all up, then go ahead and revert back to freeform by going to Insert-->Convert to freeform-->Hotspot

With any luck you will end up with something similar to the following :

That's all there is to it.


* That thing you do, when you don't know what to do, but go ahead and do it anyway, instead of getting as far away from the PC as humanly possible.