Issue with Storyline projects jumping on screen on WordPress website.

Jul 14, 2021


I hope you can help me with an issue that I have only just discovered. I don't know how best to explain it, but I'll try. I have also attached a video that may make the issue clearer.

Projects made with Storyline and uploaded to my website on or before 12 May 2020 are stable/remain in place/don't move when progressing through the project.

Projects made with Storyline and uploaded to my website on or after 14 May 2020 (just 2 days later) jump/move/scroll down each time I click the previous or next button to progress through the project. I then need to scroll up to view the entire project screen and see the previous and next buttons again.This phenomenon does not occur when previewing the published project within the Storyline environment. I have only discovered the problem when making videos to explain how to use the projects.

I don't know what changes may have been made to either Storyline or Wordpress at that time, but I would be grateful if a solution to this issue can be found. I have continued to upload the projects as always, inserting them as an IFrame.

Thanks for your help.


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