Next button remains disabled despite triggers and states considered.

Feb 28, 2023


Newbie here. Hoping for some assistance in the dreaded next button situation. I have used pictures as buttons with triggers to other slides and have a trigger to change the state of the next button back to normal once all pictures are visited. Yet the next button won't enable. I attached a screenshot hoping to show the set up. 

Greatly appreciated. 

9 Replies
Rebecca Mann

Hello! Sorry for the delay in response. Shift work :) 

I am having some trouble trying to upload a story file vs the published zip file. Publishing in which format would work for this? 

Also I am concerned about what my employer might think of having the content I am working on visible. Is the only other option to contact support? 

Thank you! 

Daniel Canaveral

Totally understandable. In these cases, you could take the time to paste a copy of just the slide in question into a new project file, and then remove/replace any proprietary information with placeholder text (Lorem ipsum) or generic images…while keeping the settings, triggers, and states in place. If that sounds like too much work, Articulate’s customer support is a safe bet.

Oh, to upload a project file (i.e., the .story file), just add the file in your response here as an attachment.

Garth Yorko

I usually create a custom state for clickable items if I want to control the Next button.  Whether you are jumping to a page or a layer, create a custom state for each clickable image. I named the state "Complete".

The attached file has examples of both jump to page and show layers

Jump to Slide

For each page that the image jumps to, create a True/False variable (for example, Slide_1_2). Create a trigger for each clickable image:

  • Change the state of Lungs image to Complete when the timeline starts on this page IF variable Slide_1_2 is equal to TRUE

Add another trigger for the Next Button

  • Change the state of the Next button to Normal when the timeline starts IF all of these variables are TRUE:
    And Slide_1_3
    And Slide_1_3

Add a trigger to each Jumped to page that adjusts its variable to true. In my example, I adjusted the variable to True when the learner clicks the Back Button.

Jump to Layer

For each Layer that the image jumps to, create a True/False variable (for example, Slide_1_1_Layer_1).

On each layer, create a trigger to change the state of the clickable image on the base layer:

  • Change the State of Lungs to Complete when the timeline ends (or whatever action you want)

On the base layer, create a trigger that changes the state of the Next button to Normal when the state of all the images are equal to Complete.