Quiz scoring slide

Jun 18, 2014

I need help with a quiz.
My quiz allows for earning points when you get the correct answer and loosing points when you get the incorrect answer. There are 9 questions, 3=10 pts, 3=20 pts, 3=40 questions. So the learner can either earn the pts (10,20,40) for the correct answer or loose the pts for the incorrect answer (10,20,40) depending on the question.
After taking the test I have two actions that can happen:
1. If you pass a layer/slide will open that says congratulation or
2. If you fail a layer/slide will open that says try again you did not reach the minimum score.
How do I set up this condition? I'm not sure how to do this. I also want their score to be displayed on the fail/success layer/slide.
I am attaching a link to the course. If someone could please provide guidance. My project is due this Friday 6/20/2014
Here is the link for the published course:
I've attached the Articulate Storyline file to this post.
Thank you.
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