Storyline output as evidence of assessment criteria being met

May 13, 2022

Happy Friday to you all! 

I wonder if anyone can advise - I'm looking at putting a module together using Storyline for a course. In this course, there is a mixture of different assessment criteria including "Identify", "Define", "List", "State" and "Give Examples". 

I intend for students to engage in both MCQ (for "Identify" questions as these could be self-markable) and short written responses for the others. One of my aims is to reduce the marking load wherever it is at all possible and I've been asked to utilise self-marking options as much as possible. 

In terms of collecting evidence, my plan is to have a "print page" slide at the end which would have references to all of their written responses so they can simply download it and submit it to our VLE. 

Is it possible to do the same thing with the self-marking questions? My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong!) is that Storyline can track "whole" quiz results back to a VLE (so it could tell tutors if students get, say, 50%) but tutors wouldn't be able to identify which specific questions they might have got wrong, and not meeting the assessment criteria for? 

Have I understood this correctly, or has anyone done something similar in the past that can give me any nuggets of wisdom? 



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