HI Jürgen thank you so much for taking the time to look at my project issue. You're right- for some reason when I copied the slide over to a new project it deleted half my variables which I guess would be why the arrows weren't working.
So the goal of the continue button is to add 10 to the variable ImpressionBar when the object Ada is in the correct coordinates within the margin of error. I have gone through a bunch of different versions of code to accomplish that- the one that was the closest to executing was this one attached to this file. I have the object Ada in the correct position currently (where the blue dot is) so theoretically when I push the continue button the 0 should go to 10.
The issue I am running into currently is that when I push continue and go to the dev tools, under console- I am getting those errors even on blank slides- but when I clear them out and go back to the slide and push continue- when I return to the dev tools, there's no log of any activity from my click. So for some reason the script isnt even being triggered at all.
I really appreciate your help!