Forum Discussion
Animation in Storyline through the Morph Transition
Some time ago, PowerPoint came out with a transition called Morph that literally morphs shapes, colors, strokes, graphics, etc. from one slide to the next. In other words, if you build a design on one slide, duplicate the slide, and make changes to the shapes on the second slide, the Morph transition will smoothly deform the shapes from the first slide to the next.
This transition is POWERFUL for animation. I feel that small animations of this kind are especially important for a product like Storyline. In a sense, the ability to build animations is one of the key features that I feel is missing from Storyline. If Articulate would consider adding the Morph transition to Storyline, it would allow users to animate the graphics on the screen with triggers, and I believe that would open up new worlds of possibility with Storyline.
Is this something you all would consider adding to Storyline?
- NishaMakan-3a6fCommunity Member
Just found the morph tool in powerpoint and instantly wanted to know if it would be available in Storyline. Can see it being really useful in module development +1
- CormacCullen-32Community Member
Yes this would be a great addition. A few people have mentioned the work 'Clunky' and I agree.. Articulate Storyline is quite limited for the price we pay.
- MelanieJacksonCommunity Member
So disheartened that when this discussion began 2 years ago that Storyline has not implemented the Morph transition. :-(
- PeterHermanssonCommunity Member
Just found out about the morph transition in Powerpoint, and it would make such a big difference If we could get it in Storyline! I second this request.
- CormacCullen-32Community Member
Come on Articulate Devs.. get the finger out and develop this.
Articulate is limiting and falling behind.
- PaulTottle-112cCommunity Member
I've tried to use PowerPoint morph and integrate into my current Rise and Storyline project with limited success. So far I've not been able to get the screenshot video to display in Rise so it's not blurry. PowerPoint doesn't have a pixel sizing of slides. But it does export 720px video, so I'll try this. Plus, matching locations of storyline objects with those on the video is imperfect. So far I'm just using a simple mouse over of video elements in Storyline and embedded in Rise.
Even with the blurriness of the morph effect, its worth keeping in the project. The morph tells a story better, implying fluidity and transformation.
Also with powerpoint I can use the 'any time' animation effects. In storyline, animations only work for the start and end of an object appearance, then I need to use workarounds.
Morph in storyline would be such an asset.
- MarkKomula-b933Community Member
- BillKing-43a1a7Community Member
Just would like to add one more voice to the growing chorus. For me (and I'm pretty clearly far from alone), enabling morph in SL would be a sea, not an incremental, change IMO. FYI, I received the following feedback last year after making heavy use of PPT morph transitions for the first time for senior mgrs of a Fortune 50 brand -- they are POWERFUL!
- CormacCullen-32Community Member
Absolutely correct Bill. Thanks for adding your voice!
- JuliaMaysCommunity Member
Ashley? Paul? Can we get some feedback on this long outstanding request? Soon? - CarolynHammer-0Community Member
Flash was doing this in 1999. It can't be that hard to implement. Keyframes on the timeline.